In addition to offering free consultations, Luh & Associates has been serving the Las Vegas community for over 20 years.  Mr. Luh (Charlie) moved to Las Vegas in 1999 after serving a judicial law clerk to a Federal Bankruptcy Judge. Charlie is routinely asked by other attorneys what to do in consumer bankruptcy cases. Charlie has taught many continuing legal education classes. Charlie’s personal promise is to advise you of all the pros and cons of bankruptcy so that you can make an informed decision (which may not always involving filing for bankruptcy). Charlie has been called, “[a]bsolutely one of the best bankruptcy lawyers in Las Vegas” by his peers.

We will explain the entire bankruptcy process, including what you get to keep, what debts you can get rid of, and answer any questions that you may have regarding your particular situation.

Even if you are positive you will be filing bankruptcy, we still recommend that you come in for a free consultation just to double-check that decision. If after meeting with our attorneys you decide you are ready, we can start the paperwork immediately.  If you that believe you urgently need to file bankruptcy due to garnishments, lawsuits, or other ongoing matters do not delay.